
“Hands-on, Mind off”: Can demonstration further improve learning from a novel animation design?
Animation improve high-way code learning in deaf people
Perceptual influences in graphics processing
Effet des habiletés de raisonnement spatial dynamique dans l’utilisation de jeux vidéo et sur l’apprentissage d’animations complexes
Does pre-testing promote better retention than post-testing?
A quantitative review of the “spacing-of-tests” effect. 
What is the optimal grain size when learning with study-retrieval practice?
Making sense of learner behavioral, cognitive and demographic characteristics to improve learner modeling.
Trustworthiness and Dominance Personality Traits’ Judgments in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Traitement en temps réel de signaux hautes fréquences pour la détection de menaces radiologiques
Does a non-practiced cognitive automatism withstand the test of time?
Stroop interference depends also on the level of automaticity of the to-be-interfered process