
Narrativité de la musique mixte : une topo-analyse d’Adavaya de Jonathan Harvey
Spectralism and the Researches in Psychoacoustics and Music Perception
Apprentissage incident des associations simples de stimulus-réponse : revue de la recherche avec la tâche d’apprentissage de contingences couleur-mot
When data transformations are appropriate or even necessary: A response to Cohen-Shikora, Suh and Bugg (2019)
Mental fatigue induced by prolonged motor imagery increases perception of effort and the activity of motor areas
Modifying auditory perception with prisms? Aftereffects of prism adaptation on a wide auditory spectrum in musicians and nonmusicians
Persistence of mental fatigue on motor control
Cortical activity linked to clocking in deaf adults: insights fNIRS with static and animated stimuli presentation
Sunny Pointer: Designing a mouse pointer for people with peripheral vision loss
Un modèle développemental des capacités d’élaboration : la redescription des représentations.
The self-organizing consciousness: Implications for deep learning.
Stimulus and response conflict from a second language: Stroop interference in weakly-bilingual and recently-trained languages