
Implicit and explicit motor learning in children with and without Down’s syndrome
Asymmetric categorization in the sequential auditory domain
Positive and negative music recognition reveals a specialization of mesio-temporal structures in epileptic patients
Cerebellar patients demonstrate preserved implicit knowledge of association strengths in musical sequences
Bootstrapping lexical and syntactic acquisition
Le jeune enfant à la découverte des mots
Phonological phrase boundaries constrain the online syntactic analysis of spoken sentences
La consistance orthographique en production verbale écrite : Une brève synthèse
Psycholinguistic norms and face naming times for photographs of celebrities in French
Age-of-acquisition and subjective frequency estimates for all generally known monosyllabic French words and their relation with other psycholinguistic variables
Contrôle d’animations multimédias par des enfants de dix à 11 ans : quel effet des dispositifs de contrôle ?
On line elaboration of a mental model during the understanding of an animation