
Les attentes perceptives musicales chez l’enfant sourd : effet de transfert langagier
Le temps de l’expérimentation et l’expérience du temps dans les premiers albums solos de Richard Pinhas
Outils informatiques et méthodes pour l’analyse des musiques actuelles
La performance musicale en actes
Persistent psychogenic déjà vu: a case report.
Parlez-vous français? Episodic and Semantic Feeling of Knowing in Aging
The strange sensation of déjà vu: not so strange in temporal lobe epilepsy
High Speed Stereovision Setup for Position and Motion Estimation of Fertilizer Particles Leaving a Centrifugal Spreader
Effects of luminance and illuminance on visual fatigue and arousal during digital reading
The effect of expertise in music reading: Cross-modal competence
Degree of subject’s indecisiveness characterized by eye movement patterns in increasingly difficult tasks
GAMIT – A Fading-Gaussian Activation Model of Interval-Timing: Unifying Prospective and Retrospective Time Estimation