
Improving non-native duration contrast with dichotic training in dyslexic and non-dyslexic individuals
Can rhythm-mediated reward boost learning, memory, and social connection? Perspectives for future research
Modality-specific and modality independent neural representations work in concert in predictive processes during sequence learning
Regular rhythmic primes improve sentence repetition in children with developmental language disorder
Auditory cortex and beyond: Deficits in congenital amusia
Individuals with congenital amusia remember music they like
Do developmental dyslexia and congenital amusia share underlying impairments?
Automatizing sight reading: Contingency proportion and task relevance in the music contingency learning procedure
Psycholinguistic norms for a set of 506 French compound words
Near and far transfer: Is music special?
A Cross-Sectional Reproducibility Study of a Standard Camera Sensor Using Artificial Intelligence to Assess Food Items: The FoodIntech Project
Identifying barriers to mental health help-seeking in French university students during the Covid-19 pandemic