
Learning to name uppercase and lowercase letters in preschoolers and kindergarteners: An investigation of the effects of child- and letter-related factors
Acute smartphone use impairs vigilance and inhibition capacities
Automated evaluation with deep learning of total interstitial inflammation and peritubular capillaritis on kidney biopsies
“Good night, sleep tight”: Do we have an “evolutionary preference” for placing beds in sleeping rooms? A replication and extension of Spörrle and Stich (2010)
Ratings of survival-related dimensions for a set of 732 words, their relationships with other psycholinguistic variables and memory performance
Effect of perceptions of future time on implicit and explicit memory in older adults
Does the sensory experience of words boost recollection in aging?
A narrative review of the interconnection between pilot acute stress, startle, and surprise effects in the aviation context: Contribution of physiological measurements
Musical emotion categorization with vocoders of varying temporal and spectral content
A recurrent connectionist model of melody perception: An exploration using TRACX2
Earworms in the amusic mind? Questionnaire investigation in congenital amusia
Consonance perception in congenital amusia: Behavioral and brain responses to harmonicity and beating cues