
Pseudo-recurrent connectionist networks: An approach to the ‘sensitivity-satbility” dilemma
Classic conditioning of the ventilatory responses in rats
The emergence of explicit knowledge during the early phase of learning in sequential reaction time tasks
Abstraction of covariations in incidental learning and covariation bias
Implicit learning shapes new conscious percepts and representations
Relational problems are not fully solved by a temporal sequence of statistical learning episodes
Initiation, maintien et changement de références. Le cas des recettes
Determination of Cells Water Membrane permeability: Unexpected High Osmotic Permeability of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Biomechanical and perceptual determinants of drawing angles
Protocole standardisé d’évaluation des troubles gestuels
Perception of musical tension in short chord sequences: The influence of harmonic function, sensory dissonance, horizontal motion, and musical training
Context effects on melody recognition: A dynamic interpretation