
Does temporal contiguity moderate contingency learning in a speeded performance task?
Learning, awareness, and instruction: Subjective contingency awareness does matter in the colour-word contingency learning paradigm
Reconstruction tridimensionnelle d’embryons humains: morphogenèse et vascularisation hépatique
La production verbale de mots chez l’adulte sain : Questions et problématiques actuelles
Cascaded processing in written naming: Evidence from the picture-picture interference paradigm
The haptic recognition of geometrical shapes in congenitally blind and blindfolded adolescents: is there a haptic prototype effect?.
Physiological and cognitive responses when riding an electrically assisted bicycle versus a classical bicycle.
Adaptive choice between articulatory rehearsal and attentional refreshing in verbal working memory
Du son au sens : vers une approche sub-symbolique de l’analyse musicale assistée par ordinateur
Métamémoire, remémoration et familiarité dans la maladie d’Alzheimer
Learning implicitly to produce avoided behaviours
Cueing complex animations: Does direction of attention foster learning processes?