
Music as an Aid to Learn New Verbal Information in Alzheimer’s Disease
La musique comme outil de stimulation cognitive
Priming paradigm reveals harmonic structure processing in congenital amusia
Dusting Off the Turing Test
Histoire d’un brise-glace : Le festival Why Note et son public
Exploratory procedures of tactile images in visually impaired and blindfolded sighted children: How they relate to their consequent performance in drawing.
Fonctionnement de la mémoire de travail chez des enfants présentant des difficultés scolaires
Beyond transitional probability computations: Extracting word-like units when only statistical information is available
Computational modeling in cognitive science: A manifesto for change
Impact of physical activity on executive functions in aging: A selective effect on inhibition among old adults
Is consciousness a passive recipient of the end-product of sophisticated unconscious computations?
Dissociation mémoire de travail – vitesse de traitement chez les enfants intellectuellement précoces au travers de deux études de cas