
Body and Soul: Do Children Distinguish Between Foods When Generalizing Biological and Psychological Properties?
Analogical reasoning, control and executive functions: a developmental investigation with eye-tracking
The integration of visual context information in facial emotion recognition in 5- to 15-year-olds
Principled animation design improves comprehension of complex dynamics
Perceptual and positional saliencies influence children’s sequence learning differently with age and instructions at test
Emergency medical triage decisions are swayed by computermanipulated cues of physical dominance in caller’s voice
The effect of orthographic and emotional neighbourhood in a colour categorization task.
What if musical skill, talent, and creativity were just a matter of memory organization and strategies ?
The effects of the Use of serious game in eco-Driving Training
Discrimination of tonal and atonal music in congenital amusia: The advantage of implicit tasks
Le vieillissement normal des fonctions cognitives frontales
Grandmother cells: Much ado about nothing