
A time for a meal? Children’s conceptions of short-term and long-term effects of foods
Food as a borderline domain of knowledge: The development of domain-specific inductive reasoning strategies in young children.
Do typically and atypically developing children learn and generalize novel names similarly: The role of conceptual distance during learning and at test
How do children with developmental language disorder extend novel nouns?.
Classification of Lentigo Maligna at Patient-Level by Means of Reflectance Confocal Microscopy Data
Generalization of novel object names in comparison contexts in a yes-no paradigm by young children. When the rate of stimulus presentation matters
La symphonie neuronale – Pourquoi la musique est indispensable au cerveau
Ensemble learning of convolutional neural network, support vector machine, and best linear unbiased predictor for brain age prediction: ARAMIS contribution to the predictive analytics competition 2019 challenge
Rhythmic and textural musical sequences differently influence syntax and semantic processing in children
Recognition of musical emotions and their perceived intensity after unilateral brain damage
Positive and detached reappraisal of threatening music inyounger and older adults
Analysis of HMAX Algorithm on Black Bar Image Dataset