
Situating language and music research in a domainspecificversus domain-general framework: A review of theoretical and empirical data
Evidence for a competitive relationship between executive functions and statistical learning
Role of the prefrontal cortex in musical and verbal short-termmemory: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study
Enhancing musical pleasure through shared musical experience
Deficits in congenital amusia: Pitch, music, speech, and beyond
Lights on music cognition: A systematic and critical review of fNIRS applications and future perspectives
Incidentally acquiring pitch-label associations with a musical contingency learning task
Audio-visual Stroop matching task with first- and second-language color words and color associates
Proactive response preparation contributes to contingency learning: Novel evidence from force‑sensitive keyboards
Modulations of response activation contribute to block-wide control: Evidence from proportion congruency effects in the prime-probe task
The pitfall of neurobiological reductionism
Historical text line segmentation using deep learning algorithms: Mask-RCNN against U-Net networks