
Rôle des informations visuelles dans la production de lettres cursives chez l’enfant et l’adulte
Les capacités de transfert en situation d’apprentissage implicite chez des préadolescents présentant un retard mental
Decomposing and connecting object representations in 5-to 9-year-old children’s drawing behaviour
A module for syntactic processing in music?
Music in the moment? Revisiting the effect of large scale structures
The influence of musical relatedness on timbre discrimination
Cognitive priming in sung and instrumental music: Activation of inferior frontal cortex
Are age-of-acquisition effects on object naming due simply to differences in object recognition? Comments on Levelt (2002)
The scope of advance planning in written picture naming
Age-of-acquisition effects in picture naming: Are they structural and/or semantic in nature?
Determinants of lexical access in speech production: Role of word frequency and age of acquisition
Written spelling to dictation: Sound-to-spelling regularity affects both writing latencies and durations