
Sensory experience ratings (SERs) for 1,659 French words: Relationships with other psycholinguistic variables and visual word recognition
Analogical reasoning and aging: The processing speed and inhibition hypothesis
How does Stroop interference change with practice? A reappraisal from the musical Stroop paradigm
Executive functions in men and postmenopausal women
Norms and reading times for acronyms in French
Dissociating Rehearsal and Refreshing in the Maintenance of Verbal Information in 8-Year-Old Children
Age differences in learning from instructional animations
Apprendre le réel sans les risques du réel. L’apprentissage sur simulateur comme prévention
Analyser l’interprétation de la musique du XXe siècle. Une analyse de l’interprétation des Dix pièces pour quintette à vent de György Ligeti
You can detect the trees as well as the forest when adding the leaves: Evidence from visual search tasks containing three-level hierarchical stimuli
Efficient Data Encoding for Convolutional Neural Network application
Auto-Adaptive Trigger and Pulse Extraction for Digital Processing in Nuclear Instrumentation