
The coeruleus/subcoeruleus complex in idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder
Auditory training improves auditory performance in cochlear implanted children
Discrimination of tonal and atonal music in congenital amusia: The advantage of implicit tasks
At what age did you learn “dog”, “harp” and other words that you know? The issue of what adult age of acquisition (AoA) estimates really measure
Effects of Listening to Music versus Environmental Sounds in Passive and Active Situations on Levels of Pain and Fatigue in Fibromyalgia
Les apports de la psychologie clinique dans la formation à la relation et communication en DFASM2
The learnability of language. Insights from the implicit learning literature
Mobile video-to-audio transducer and motion detection for sensory substitution
Spotlight on the survival processing advantage: An fNIRS study on adaptive memory
Written object naming, spelling to dictation and immediate copying: Different tasks, different pathways?
Does the thought of death contribute to the memory benefit of encoding with a survival scenario?
Self as a moderator of age-related deficit on recollection