
Is Sternberg’s memory scanning task really a short term memory task?
Use of wavelet for image processing in smart cameras with low hardware resources
On the link between action planning and motor imagery: a developmental study
The stability-plasticity dilemma: Investigating the continuum from catastrophic forgetting to age-limited learning effects
Eliciting the implicit: Metacognition in Alzheimer’s disease
Eliciting the Implicit: Metacognition in Alzheimer’s disease
Effect of synchronized or desynchronized music listening during osteopathic treatment: An EEG study
Music improves verbal memory encoding while decreasing prefrontal cortex activity: An fNIRS study
Metamémoire et troubles de la mémoire: l’exemple du Feeling-of-knowing
Subjective Experience of Episodic Memory and Metacognition: A Neurodevelopmental Approach
L’entrainement de la mémoire de travail et les apprentissages scolaires
Investigation of the Effect of Mode and Tempo on Emotional Responses to Music Using EEG Power Asymmetry