
Musical familiarity in congenital amusia: Evidence from a gating paradigm
Distinct effects of positive and negative music on older adults’ auditory target identification performances
Exploring the multiple-level hypothesis of AoA effects in spoken and written picture naming using a topograhic ERP analysis
Animates are better remembered than inanimates: Further evidence from word and picture stimuli
The “BIG BIRD” of the “YELLOW YOUNG” man: Do nontarget properties cascade?
“Survivre pour se souvenir”. Une approche novatrice de la mémoire épisodique: la mémoire adaptative
Impact of a minimal social comparison feedback in written picture naming
Quel format visuel adopter pour informer les sourds et malentendants dans les transports collectifs?
How age, culture and manual dominance affect directionality in drawing side view objects.
Evidence for early abstract representations of word order: An eye-tracking study
Self-reference effect and autonoetic consciousness in Alzheimer’s disease: Evidence for a persistent affective self in dementia patients
Verbal definitions of familiar objects in blind children reflect their peculiar perceptual experience