
Syllabic priming effects in picture naming in French: Lost in the sea!
The role of the structure of parts and of the overall object shape in children’s generalization of novel object names
Apprentissage, mémorisation, et généralisation de nouveaux noms chez l’enfant trisomique 21. Une comparaison avec l’enfant en développement normal
Exemplar effects in the context of a categorization rule: Featural and holistic influences
Real-time flaw detection on a complex object: comparison of results using classification with a support vector machine, boosting, and hyperrectangle-based method
Optimizing Hough transform for fertilizer spreading optical control
Real-time algorithms for video summarization
Fast image mosaicing for panoramic face recognition
Local-global visual deficits in Williams syndrome: Stimulus presence contributes to diminished performance on image-reproduction
Music in the moment? Revisiting the effect of large scale structures
The influence of musical relatedness on timbre discrimination
Cognitive priming in sung and instrumental music: Activation of inferior frontal cortex