
Comparing word processing times in naming, lexical decision and progressive demasking: Evidence from Chronolex
L’imageabilité : normes et relation avec d’autres variables psycholinguistiques
Comment l’information circule d’un niveau de traitement à l’autre lors de l’accès lexical en production verbale de mots ? Éléments de synthèse
Musical sight-reading expertise: Cross-modality investigations
Auditory expectations for newly acquired structures
Benefits of computer screen-based simulation in learning cardiac arrest procedures
Judging familiarity and emotion from very brief musical excerpts
Two-year-olds compute syntactic structure on-line
The specific-word frequency effect in speech production: Evidence from Spanish and French
The French Lexicon Project: Lexical decision data for 38,840 French words and 38,840 pseudowords
Benefits of computer screen-based simulation in learning cardiac arrest procedures
An eye tracking comparison of external pointing cues and internal continuous cues in learning with complex animations