
The impact of the perception of rhythmic music on self-paced oscillatory movements
Music lessons improve auditory perceptual and cognitive performance in deaf children
Musical familiarity in congenital amusia: Evidence from a gating paradigm
Distinct effects of positive and negative music on older adults’ auditory target identification performances
Exploring the multiple-level hypothesis of AoA effects in spoken and written picture naming using a topograhic ERP analysis
Animates are better remembered than inanimates: Further evidence from word and picture stimuli
The “BIG BIRD” of the “YELLOW YOUNG” man: Do nontarget properties cascade?
“Survivre pour se souvenir”. Une approche novatrice de la mémoire épisodique: la mémoire adaptative
Identification of purchasing scenarios through eye-tracking features
Psychologie du langage. La fabrique des mots. Approche cognitive
Impact of a minimal social comparison feedback in written picture naming
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