
Prolonged motor imagery increases motor-related cortical potential amplitude and perception of effort during imagined and actual isometric knee extensions
Prêt-à-porter ou coupe sur mesure ? Liberté et contraintes de la temporalité dans l’interprétation de la Sequenza III de Berio
A Histogram-Difference Method (HDM) for Neutron/Gamma Discrimination Using Liquid and Plastic Scintillators.
Embodiment and the origin of interval timing: Kinematic and electromyographic data
ASIC 2017 talk on TRACX and TRACX2
Children’s Failure in Analogical Reasoning Tasks: A Problem of Focus of Attention and Information Integration?
The nature of quantities influences the representation of arithmetic problems: evidence from drawings and solving procedures in children and adults
The interplay between methodologies, tasks and visualisation formats in the study of visual expertise
Generalizing novel names in comparison settings: Role of conceptual distance during learning and at test
Tous descendants de chasseurs-cueilleurs ! Nos cerveaux le savent…
Temps et texture dans Eight Lines de Steve Reich : de la perception locale à la forme expérientielle
Boosting syntax training with temporally regular musical primes in children with cochlear implants