Fiche de Bugaiska Aurélia

Psychologie | |
Téléphone | +33 (0)3 80 39 57 28 |
Bureau | Bureau n°243 |
Adresse | Université de Bourgogne LEAD – CNRS UMR5022 Pôle AAFE 11 Esplanade Erasme 21000 Dijon |
- Spécialité
- Curriculum Vitae
- Thèmes de recherche
- Publications
- En savoir plus
Psychologie Cognitive
2016: Professeur des Universités en Psychologie du Vieillissement Cognitif, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France.
2015 (Janvier): Qualifiée aux fonctions de Professeur des Universités
2014 (Novembre): Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université de Bourgogne
2010-2016: Maitre de conférences en Psychologie, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France.
2009-2010 : Post-doctorat au Centre de Recherche et Institut Universitaire de Gériatrie de Montréal dans le Laboratoire d’Etude de la Santé Cognitive des Ainés (financé par le Gouvernement Canadien, bourse du Commonwealth), Montréal, Québec, Canada.
2009 (Avril à Aout): Post-doctorat à l’Institute of Psychological Sciences “Leeds Memory Group”, Leeds, Grande-Bretagne.
2009 (Avril) : Thèse de Doctorat en Psychologie, Université de Poitiers, France, dirigée par Jean-François Rouet & David Clarys.
Vieillissement et Mémoire épisodique
- Bugaiska, A., Bonin, P., & Witt, A. (2023). Do young children, like young adults, remember animates better than inanimates?. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Bugaiska, A., Bonin, P., Ferreira, J., & Witt, A. (2023). Effect of perceptions of future time on implicit and explicit memory in older adults. Experimental Aging Research.
- Bugaiska, A., Witt, A., & Bonin, P. (2023). Does the sensory experience of words boost recollection in aging?. Experimental Aging Research.
- Bonin, P., Thiebaut, G., Bugaiska, A., & Méot, A. (2022). Mixed evidence for a richness-of-encoding account of animacy effects in memory from the generation-of-ideas paradigm. Current Psychology, 1653–1662.
- Gelin, M., Bugaiska, A., Méot, A., Vinter, A., & Bonin, P. (2019). Animacy effects in episodic memory: Do imagery processes really play a role?. Memory, 209-223.
- Bugaiska, A., Grégoire, L., Camblats, A.-M., Gelin, M., Méot, A., & Bonin, P. (2019). Animacy and attentional processes: Evidence from the Stroop task. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 882-889.
- Bonin, P., Méot, A., Laroche, B., Bugaiska, A., & Perret, C., (2019). The impact of image characteristics on written naming in adults. Reading and Writing.
- Bonin, P., Méot, A., Boucheix, J.-M., & Bugaiska, A. (2018). Psycholinguistic norms for 320 fixed expressions (idioms and proverbs) in French. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1057-1069.
- Bonin, P., Méot, A., & Bugaiska, A. (2018). Concreteness norms for 1,659 French words: Relationships with other psycholinguistic variables and word recognition times. Behavior Research Methods.
- Gelin, M., Bonin, P., Méot, A., & Bugaiska, A. (2018). Do animacy effects persist in memory for context?. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1-33.
- Gelin, M., Bugaiska, A., Méot, A., & Bonin, P. (2017). Are animacy effects in episodic memory independent of encoding instructions?. Memory, 2-18.
- Lussier, M., Bugaiska, A., & Bherer, L. (2017). Specific transfer effects following variable priority dual-task training in older adults. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience.
- Bugaiska, A., Méot, A., & Bonin, P. (2016). Do healthy elders, like young adults, remember animates better than inanimates? An adaptive view. Experimental Aging Research.
- Bonin, P., Gelin, M., Laroche, B., Méot, A., & Bugaiska, A. (2015). The “how” of animacy effects in episodic memory. Experimental Psychology, 371-384.
- Ferreri, L., Bigand, E., Bard, P., & Bugaiska, A. (2015). The influence of music on prefrontal cortex during episodic encoding and retrieval of verbal information: A multichannel fNIRS study. Behavioural Neurology.
- Castonguay, N., Lussier, M., Bugaiska, A., Lord, C., & Bherer, L. (2015). Executive functions in men and postmenopausal women. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 193-208.
- Bonin, P., Méot, A., Millotte, S., & Bugaiska, A. (2015). Norms and reading times for acronyms in French. Behavior Research Methods, 251-267.
- Bonin, P., Méot, A., Ferrand, L., & Bugaiska, A. (2015). Sensory experience ratings (SERs) for 1,659 French words: Relationships with other psycholinguistic variables and visual word recognition. Behavior Research Methods, 813-825.
- Bugaiska, A., & Thibaut, J.-P. (2015). Analogical reasoning and aging: The processing speed and inhibition hypothesis. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 340-356.
- Bugaiska, A., Ferreri, L. , Bouquet, C.A., Kalenzaga, S. , & Clarys, D. (2015). Self as a moderator of age-related deficit on recollection. L'Année Psychologique, 77-88.
- Bugaiska, A., Mermillod, M., & Bonin, P. (2015). Does the thought of death contribute to the memory benefit of encoding with a survival scenario?. Memory, 213-232.
- Bonin, P., Ferreri, L., Gelin, M., Fitamen, C., Bard, P., & Bugaiska, A. (2015). Spotlight on the survival processing advantage: An fNIRS study on adaptive memory. Spatial, long-and short-term memory: Functions, differences and effects of injury. Nova.
- Boucheix, J.-M., Lowe, R. K., & Bugaiska, A. (2015). Age differences in learning from instructional animations. Applied Cognitive Psychology.
- Ferreri, L., Bigand, E., & Bugaiska, A. (2015). The positive effect of music on source memory. Musicae Scientiae.
- Bonin, P., , & Bugaiska, A. (2014). “Survivre pour se souvenir”. Une approche novatrice de la mémoire épisodique: la mémoire adaptative. L'Année Psychologique, 571-610.
- Bonin, P., Gelin, M. , & Bugaiska, A. (2014). Animates are better remembered than inanimates: Further evidence from word and picture stimuli. Memory & Cognition, 370-382.
- Ferreri, L., Bigand, E., Perrey, S., Muthalib, M., Bard, P., & Bugaiska, A. (2014). Less effort, better results: How does music act on prefrontal cortex in older adults during verbal encoding? An fNIRS study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 1-11.
- Ferreri, L., Bigand, E., Perrey, S., & Bugaiska, A. (2014). The promise of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) for psychological research: A brief review. L'Année Psychologique, 537-569.
- Ferreri, L., Aucouturier, J.-J., Muthalib, M., Bigand, E., & Bugaiska, A. (2013). Music improves verbal memory encoding while decreasing prefrontal cortex activity: An fNIRS study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
- Mermillod, M., Bugaiska, A., & Bonin, P. (2013). The stability-plasticity dilemma: Investigating the continuum from catastrophic forgetting to age-limited learning effects. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Bonin, P., Méot, A., & Bugaiska, A. (2013). Norms and comprehension times for 305 French idiomatic expressions. Behavior Research Methods.
- Boucard, G., Albinet, C., Bugaiska, A., Bouquet, C. A., Clarys, D., & Audiffren, M (2012). Impact of physical activity on executive functions in aging: A selective effect on inhibition among old adults. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology , 808-827.
- Tapia, G., Clarys, D., Bugaiska, A., & El-Hage, W. (2012). Recollection of negative information in posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 1-4.
- Djouani, M., Caro, S., Boucheix, J.-M., Bugaiska, A., & Bergerot, L. (2011). Recherche d’informations dans les documents numériques: vers une variation des modailtés d’exécution procédurales.
- Bugaiska, A., Morson, S., Moulin, C., & Souchay, C. (2011). Métamémoire, remémoration et familiarité dans la maladie d’Alzheimer. Revue Neurologique, 3-13.
- Kalenzaga, S., Clarys, D., & Bugaiska, A. (2009). Maladie d’Alzheimer et états de conscience en mémoire : Implication de la conscience de soi et de la fonction de mise à jour en mémoire de travail.
- Clarys, D., Bugaiska, A., Tapia, G., & Baudouin, A. (2009). Ageing, remembering, and executive function. Memory, 308-308.
- Bugaiska, A., Clarys, D., Jarry, C., Taconnat, L., Tapia, G., Vanneste, S., & Isingrini, M. (2007). The effect of aging in recollective experience: The processing speed and executive functioning hypothesis. Consciousness and Cognition, 797-808.
- Clarys, D., Bugaïska, A., Tapia, G., Baudouin, A., & Isingrini, M. (2007). Rôle des fonctions exécutives dans les effets de l’âge sur les états de conscience associés à la récupération en mémoire.
Direction de Thèse & Responsabilités
Encadrement Doctoral: Novembre 2011 à Novembre 2014 : Co-direction (60% d’encadrement) avec le Pr Emmanuel BIGAND de la thèse […]
TD Licence 3 Psychologie Cognitive