Article de Journal

Comprehension performances of explanatory texts in French language according to their characteristics: Evidence for 1229 children from 2nd to 9th grade
Lire sur des documents numériques à l’école : avantages et inconvénients
Identifying barriers to mental health help-seeking in French university students during the Covid-19 pandemic
Incidental learning in music reading: The music contingency learning task
Does Sound Influence Perceived Duration of Visual Motion?
Développement lexical dans le cadre d’une déficience intellectuelle : le point sur la question
Road safety communication effectiveness: The role of emotion and information in motorists’ ability to detect vulnerable road users
Differences in the predictors of reading comprehension in first graders from low socio-economic status families with either good or poor decoding skills.
Reading comprehension in a large cohort of French first graders from low socio-economic status families: A 7-month longitudinal study.
Tactile picture recognition by early blind children: The effect of illustration technique
The haptic recognition of geometrical shapes in congenitally blind and blindfolded adolescents: is there a haptic prototype effect?.
Physiological and cognitive responses when riding an electrically assisted bicycle versus a classical bicycle.