Article de Journal

Autobiographical memory and social identity in autism: Preliminary results of social positioning and cognitive intervention
A meta-analysis on the effect of expertise on eye movements during music reading
Promoting university students’ mental health through an online multicomponent intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic
The underlying processes of episodic memory development: From a unique contribution of representation to the increasing use of semantic organization supported by cognitive control
Cognitive mechanisms underlying free recall in episodic memory performance across the lifespan: Testing the control/representation model
A comparison of the impact of digital games eliciting explicit and implicit learning processes in preschoolers
Eye movements during comprehension in virtual reality: The influence of a change in point of view between auditory and visual information in the activation of a mental model
Interlinguistic conflict: Word-word Stroop with first and second language colour words
The effect of MP on music memorization
Sur support électronique, ça change tout ?
Visuomanual vertical prism adaptation: Aftereffects on visuospatial and auditory frequency representations
Cross-modal music integration in expert memory: Evidence from eye movements