Article de Journal

Mixed evidence for a richness-of-encoding account of animacy effects in memory from the generation-of-ideas paradigm
COVID-19 and memory: A novel contamination effect in memory
Comment lutter contre les effets négatifs de la fatigue mentale : une revue narrative
Mental health, alcohol use, workplace bullying and attitude toward mental health help-seeking in French apprentices
Pratiques et stratégies d’apprentissage d’étudiants de 1ère année de Licence et participation à un dispositif « apprendre à apprendre » : étude des déterminants et approche motivationnelle
“Apprendre à apprendre”: analyse d’un dispositif sur la réussite étudiante
Expert but not persuasive: Middle school students’ consideration of source in the processing of conflicting videos
Effects of intellectual disability and attachment on hostile intent attribution bias
The impact of students’ prior attitude on the processing of conflicting videos: a comparison between middle-school and undergraduate students
Using prism adaptation to alleviate perception of unilateral tinnitus: A case study
Exploring the event-related potentials’ time course of associative recognition in autism
EEG resting-state functional connectivity: Evidence for an imbalance of external/internal information integration in autism