Article de Journal

Outdoor navigation assistive system based on robust and real-time visual–auditory substitution approach
Auditory and visual short‑term memory: Influence of material type,contour, and musical expertise
Enhanced mismatch negativity in harmonic compared with inharmonic sounds
Tonal structures benefit short-term memory for real music: Evidence from non-musicians and individuals with congenital amusia
Understanding the What and When of analogical reasoning across analogy formats: An eye-tracking and machine learning approach
Development of auditory cognition in 5- to 10-year-old children: Focus on musical and verbal short-term memory
You got rhythm, or more: The multidimensionality of rhythmic abilities
When visual cues do not help the beat: Evidence for a detrimental effect of moving point-light figures on rhythmic priming
Measuring children’s harmonic knowledge with implicit and explicit tests
A narrative review of the interconnection between pilot acute stress, startle, and surprise effects in the aviation context: Contribution of physiological measurements
Does the sensory experience of words boost recollection in aging?
Effect of perceptions of future time on implicit and explicit memory in older adults