
Cognitive mechanisms underlying free recall in episodic memory performance across the lifespan: Testing the control/representation model
Comment lutter contre les effets négatifs de la fatigue mentale : une revue narrative
Mental health, alcohol use, workplace bullying and attitude toward mental health help-seeking in French apprentices
Expert but not persuasive: Middle school students’ consideration of source in the processing of conflicting videos
Cross-modal correspondence enhances elevation localization in visual-to-auditory sensory substitution
Pseudo‑contamination and memory: Is there a memory advantage for objects touched by “morphologically deviant people”?
Mouth proximity influences perceived disgust of visual stimuli
Do young children, like young adults, remember animates better than inanimates?
Children’s generalization of novel names in comparison settings: The role of semantic distance during learning and at test
The effect of response-to-stimulus interval on children’s implicit sequence learning
Earcons to reduce mode confusions in partially automated vehicles: Development and application of an evaluation
Multimodal interface and reliability displays: Effect on attention, mode awareness, and trust in partially automated