Article de Journal

Situating language and music research in a domainspecificversus domain-general framework: A review of theoretical and empirical data
Impact of native language on musical working memory: A cross-cultural online study
Cross-frequency coupling in cortico-hippocampal networks supports the maintenance of sequential auditory information in short-term memory
Do developmental dyslexia and congenital amusia share underlying impairments?
Individuals with congenital amusia remember music they like
Auditory cortex and beyond: Deficits in congenital amusia
Regular rhythmic primes improve sentence repetition in children with developmental language disorder
Modality-specific and modality independent neural representations work in concert in predictive processes during sequence learning
Can rhythm-mediated reward boost learning, memory, and social connection? Perspectives for future research
Improving non-native duration contrast with dichotic training in dyslexic and non-dyslexic individuals
Consonance perception in congenital amusia: Behavioral and brain responses to harmonicity and beating cues
Earworms in the amusic mind? Questionnaire investigation in congenital amusia