Article de Journal

Coarse scales are sufficient for efficient categorization of emotional facial expressions: Evidence from neural computation
“Survivre pour se souvenir”. Une approche novatrice de la mémoire épisodique: la mémoire adaptative
“With a little help from my friends”: Orthographic influences in spoken word recognition
Determinants of naming latencies, object comprehension times and new norms for the Russian standardized set of the colorized version of the Snodgrass and Vanderwart pictures
Does frequency trajectory influence word identification? A cross-task comparison
Recognition of musical emotions and their perceived intensity after unilateral brain damage
Positive and detached reappraisal of threatening music inyounger and older adults
Near and far transfer: Is music special?
Participation of acoustic and electric hearing in perceiving musical sounds
Exploring the multiple-level hypothesis of AoA effects in spoken and written picture naming using a topograhic ERP analysis
Animates are better remembered than inanimates: Further evidence from word and picture stimuli
The “BIG BIRD” of the “YELLOW YOUNG” man: Do nontarget properties cascade?