Fiche de Thibaut Jean-Pierre

Thibaut Jean-Pierre
Psychologie | |
Téléphone | +33 (0)3 80 39 57 56 |
Bureau | Bureau n°245 |
Adresse | Université de Bourgogne LEAD – CNRS UMR5022 Pôle AAFE 11 Esplanade Erasme 21000 Dijon |
- Spécialité
- Curriculum Vitae
- Thèmes de recherche
- Publications
Psychologie du développement
Curriculum Vitae
- 1983-1991: Assistant (Université de Liège)
- 1990 – PhD en psychologie cognitive de l’Université de Liège (Belgique) Jury de thèse: Jean Costermans (Université Catholique de Louvain) Eric Esperet (Université de Poitiers), Alberto Barera Vidal (Université de Liège) Marie-France Barret (Université de Liège) Jean-Adolphe Rondal (Université de Liège, Promoteur).
- 1992-1995: Premier Assistant (permanent) – Université de Liège
- 1996-1998: Chef de travaux -Université de Liège
- 1999-2003 : Chargé de cours adjoint – Université de Liège
- 1999: Habilitation à diriger des recherches – Université de Bourgogne
- 2003-2008: Professeur de psychologie du développement à l’Université de Poitiers (Laboratoire CNRS CeRCA)
- 2008- : Professeur de Psychologie du développement à l’Université de Bourgogne (Laboratoire CNRS – LEAD – UMR 5022)
Thèmes de recherche
Compréhension des analogies et des relations conceptuelles par l’enfant
Développement des conceptions naïves sur la nutrition et les phénomènes biologiques apparentés
Contraintes sur l’apprentissage de nouveaux mots pour des objets non familiers chez le jeune enfant
- Stansbury, E., Witt, A., Bard, P., & Thibaut, J.-P. (2024). How children generalize novel nouns: An eye-tracking analysis of their generalization strategies. PLOS ONE.
- Thibaut, J.-P., & Witt, A. (2023). Children’s generalization of novel names in comparison settings: The role of semantic distance during learning and at test. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
- Comblain, A., Witt, A., & Thibaut, J.-P. (2023). Développement lexical dans le cadre d’une déficience intellectuelle : le point sur la question. Psychologie Française.
- Foinant, D., Lafraire, J., & Thibaut, J.-P. (2022). Tears for pears: Influence of children’s neophobia on categorization performance and strategy in the food domain. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, 951890.
- Foinant, D., Lafraire, J., & Thibaut J.-P. (2022). Relationships between executive functions and food rejection dispositions in young children. Appetite, 176, 106102.
- Thibaut, J.-P., Glady, Y., & French, R. M. (2022). Understanding the What and When of analogical reasoning across analogy formats: An eye-tracking and machine learning approach. Cognitive Science, 46, e13208.
- Bonin, P., Duplessy-Lukowski, H., Thibaut, J.-P., & Méot, A. (2021). Norms in French for 209 images of the “food-pics” image database. Food Quality and Preference.
- Stansbury, E., Witt, A., & Thibaut, J.-P. (2021). Children’s generalization of novel relational nouns in comparison contexts: An eye tracking analysis. Proceedings of the 43th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
- Witt, A., Comblain, A., & Thibaut, J.-P. (2020). Do typically and atypically developing children learn and generalize novel names similarly: The role of conceptual distance during learning and at test. Research in Developmental Disabilities.
- Stansbury, E., Witt , A., & Thibaut J.-P. (2020). Generalization of novel object names in comparison contexts in a yes-no paradigm by young children. When the rate of stimulus presentation matters.
- Stansbury, E., Witt, A., & Thibaut, J.-P. (2019). Children’s generalization of novel object names in comparison contexts: An eye tracking analysis. Proceedings of the 41th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society .
- Thibaut, J.-P., Stansbury, E., & Witt, A. (2018). Generalization of novel names for relations in comparison settings: The role of conceptual distance during learning and at test. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
- Thibaut, J.P., Gelaes, S., Murphy, G.L. (2018). Does practice in category learning increase rule use or exemplar use—or both?. Memory & Cognition, 46, 530-543.
- Thibaut, J.-P., & Witt, A. (2017). Generalizing novel names in comparison settings: Role of conceptual distance during learning and at test. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
- Glady, Y., French, RM., Thibaut, J.P. (2017). Children’s Failure in Analogical Reasoning Tasks: A Problem of Focus of Attention and Information Integration?. Frontiers, 707(8).
- Gros, H., Thibaut, J.P., Sander, E. (2017). The nature of quantities influences the representation of arithmetic problems: evidence from drawings and solving procedures in children and adults.
- French, R.M., Glady, Y., Thibaut, J.P. (2017). An evaluation of scanpath-comparison and machine-learning classification algorithms used to study the dynamics of analogy making. Behavior Research Methods, 1291-1302.
- Thibaut, J.P., Goldwater, M.B. (2017). Generalizing relations during analogical problem solving in preschool children : does blocked or interleaved training improve performance ?.
- French, R. M., Glady, Y., Thibaut, J.-P. (2017). An evaluation of scanpath-comparison and machine-learning classification algorithms used to study the dynamics of analogy making. Behavior Research Methods, doi:10.3758/s13428-016-0788-z .
- Gros, H., Sander, E., Thibaut, J.P. (2016). “This problem has no solution”: when closing one of two doors results in failure to access any..
- Thibaut, J.P. (2016). Apprendre : conceptualiser et généraliser de nouvelles notions. Quelles difficultés, parfois inattendues, surmonter. lamap.
- Megalakaki, O., Thibaut, J.P. (2016). The development and differentiation of force and energy concepts for animate and inanimate objects in children and adolescents. Research in Science Education, 4(46), 457-480.
- Thibaut, J.-P., & Witt, A. (2015). Young children’s learning of relational categories: multiple comparisons and their cognitive constraints. Frontiers in Psychology, 643.
- Bugaiska, A., & Thibaut, J.-P. (2015). Analogical reasoning and aging: The processing speed and inhibition hypothesis. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 340-356.
- Gros, H., Thibaut, J.P., Sander, E. (2015). Robustness of semantic encoding effects in a transfer task for multiple strategies arithmetic problems.
- Augier, L., Thibaut, J.P. (2014). Dimensional Distinctiveness Constraints on Comparison Processing Across Development.
- French, R.M., Thibaut, J.P. (2014). Using eye-tracking to predict children’s success or failure on analogy tasks.
- Glady, Y., French., R.M., Thibaut, J.P., (2014). Adults’ Eye Tracking Search Profiles and Analogy Difficulty.
- Minier, L., Blaye, A., Maugard, A., Fagot, J., Glady, Y., Thibaut, J.P., (2014). Rôle du contrôle exécutif dans le raisonnement par analogie chez l’enfant et le primate non humain. Psychologie Française, 59(1), 71–87.
- Boucheix, J.M., Thibaut, J.P., Lowe, R.K., Augier, L., Bétrancourt, M., & E. de Vries (2013). The power of comparison:The example of paired graphics comprehension in chidren and adults.
- Glady, Y., Thibaut, J.P., French, R.M. (2013). Visual Strategies in Analogical Reasoning Development: A New Method for Classifying Scanpaths.
- Toussaint, L., Tahej, P.K., Thibaut, J.P., Possami, C.A., Badets, A. , (2013). On the link between action planning and motor imagery: a developmental study. Experimental Brain Research, 231(3), 331-339.
- Thibaut, J.P., French, R.M., Vezneva, M., Gérard, Y., Glady, Y. (2011). Semantic Analogies by Young Children: Testing the Role of Inhibition.
- Thibaut, J.P., French, R.M., Vezneva, M., Gérard, Y., Glady, Y. (2011). Semantic Analogies by Young Children: Testing the Role of Inhibition.
- Thibaut, J.P., Augier, L. (2011). How can we promote generalization of novels concepts?.
- Thibaut, J.P., French, R.M., Vezneva, M. (2009). Cognitive Load and Analogy-making in Children: Explaining an Unexpected Interaction..
- Comblain, A., Thibaut, J.P. (2009). Approche neuropsychologique du syndrome de Down. Traité de neuropsychologie de l’enfant (491-524). Solal.
- Thibaut, J.P., French, R.M., Vezneva, M. (2008). Analogy-making in children: the importance of processing constraints.
- Thibaut, J.P. (2007). A Memory Account of Children’s Failure to Generalize Novel Names to Novel Instances and Novel Scenes.
- Thibaut, J.P., Gelaes, S. (2006). Exemplar effects in the context of a categorization rule: Featural and holistic influences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 32(6), 1403-1415.
- Thibaut, J.P., Gelaes, S., Cordier, F., Meunier, B. (2005). Le développement des connaissances chez l’enfant de 4 à 10 ans. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l’Enfant, 17, 35-41.
- Gelaes, S., Thibaut, J.P. (2004). Abstraction : des exemplaires aux règles.. Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg, 17, 101-118.
- Thibaut, J.P., Grégoire, J., Lion, P. (2001). Sur les difficultés de l’évaluation du lexique : une perspective développementale. Glossa, 76, 52-61.
- Thibaut, J.P. (2000). The role of featural variability in children’s generalization of new concepts.
- Thibaut, J.P. (2000). Learning and generalizing new concepts.
- Thibaut, J.P. (1999). Développement conceptuel. Manuel de psychologie de l'enfant (343-384). Mardaga.
- Thibaut, J.P., Lemaire, F., Quadri, J. (1998). Categorization under the Influence.
- Thibaut, J.P. (1997). On the relationship between categorization and similarity judgments.
- Thibaut, J.P., Dupont, M. (1997). Dissociation between Categorization and Similarity Judgments.
- Thibaut, J.P. (1997). When children fail to learn new categories: the role of irrelevant features..
- Thibaut, J.P. (1995). The development of features in children and adults: the case of visual stimuli.
- Thibaut, J.P. (1993). Le traitement des verbes d’action et mentaux dans les phrases avec proposition relative : réversibilité et complexité syntaxique. Archives de Psychologie, 61, 265-279.