Fiche de Vinter Annie

Psychologie | |
Téléphone | +33 (0)3 80 39 57 57 |
Bureau | Bureau n°246 |
Adresse | Université Bourgogne Europe LEAD – CNRS UMR5022 Pôle AAFE 11 Esplanade Erasme 21000 Dijon |
- Spécialité
- Curriculum Vitae
- Thèmes de recherche
- Publications
Psychologie du développement
– 1980-1983 : Doctorat de Psychologie, Université de Genève (Suisse), Juin 1983 (Jury de thèse: George Butterworth, Bärbel Inhelder, Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Pierre Mounoud; Directeur: Pierre Mounoud)
– 1983-1985 : Istituto Scientifico Stella Maris, Pise (Italie), chargée de recherche contractuelle
– 1985 : Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung, Université de Bielefeld (Allemagne), chercheur contractuel
– 1985-1989 : Université de Genève (Suisse), Maître-assistante suppléante puis Maître d’enseignement et de recherche suppléante
– 1989-1992 : Université de Franche-Comté (France), professeur de psychologie expérimentale et du développement
– 1992-2024 : Université de Bourgogne (France), professeur de psychologie du développement
– Depuis sept. 2024 : Université de Bourgogne / Université Bourgogne Europe (France), professeur émérite
Principales fonctions passées :
2004-2009 : Déléguée nationale française auprès de l’Union Internationale de la Psychologie Scientifique (IUPsyS)
2005-2015 : Membre du bureau de IGS (International Graphonomics Society)
2008-2013 : Déléguée Scientifique AERES, Psychologie
2016-2020 : Directrice du Département d’Evaluation des Coordinations Territoriales du HCERES
Université de Bourgogne:
1995-2024 : Direction : du DESS de Psychologie de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence de l’Université de Bourgogne ; transformé de 2003 à 2010 en Master de Psychologie du Développement et des Troubles de l’apprentissage ; transformé de 2010 à 2024 en Psychologie Clinique du Développement, des Apprentissages et du Vieillissement.
2004-2007 : Direction de l’Ecole Doctorale Gestion-Economie-Formation de l’Université de Bourgogne
2007-2011 : Direction adjointe puis direction de l’Ecole Doctorale Environnements-Santé-Stic de l’Université de Bourgogne
2012-2015 : Vice-Présidente Déléguée à la coordination formation-recherche et en charge des relations avec le PRES Bourgogne Franche-Comté
2015-2016 : Présidence provisoire de la COMUE UBFC
Dessin et écriture chez l’enfant et l’adulte, avec ou sans handicap
Apprentissage implicite chez l’enfant et l’adulte, avec ou sans handicap
Étude des biais animé et danger chez l’enfant et l’adulte
- Lhoste, E., Bonin, P., Bard, P., Poulin-Charronnat, B., & Vinter, A. (2024). A processing advantage in favor of animate entities in incidental word learning in young children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
- Perruchet, P., & Vinter, A. (2024). The pitfall of neurobiological reductionism. L'Année Psychologique.
- Fizaine, F. C., Bard, P., Paindavoine, M., Robin, C., Bouyé, E., Lefèvre, R., & Vinter, A. (2024). Historical text line segmentation using deep learning algorithms: Mask-RCNN against U-Net networks. Journal of Imaging.
- Witt, A., Poulin-Charronnat, B., Bard, P., & Vinter, A. (2023). The effect of response-to-stimulus interval on children’s implicit sequence learning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
- Vinter, A., Bard, P., Lukowski-Duplessy, H., & Poulin-Charronnat, B. (2023). Learning to name uppercase and lowercase letters in preschoolers and kindergarteners: An investigation of the effects of child- and letter-related factors. Early Education and Development.
- Chevet, G., Baccino, T., Vinter, A., & Drai-Zerbib, V. (2022). What breaks the flow of reading? A study on characteristics of attentional disruption during digital reading. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Chevet, G., Baccino, T., Marlot, L., Vinter, A., & Drai-Zerbib, V. (2022). Effects of interruption of eye movements and comprehension during reading on digital devices. Learning and Instruction.
- Vanwalleghem, S., Miljkovitch, R., & Vinter, A. (2022). Effects of intellectual disability and attachment on hostile intent attribution bias. Attachment and Human Development, 6(24), 732-749.
- Vinter, A., Bard, P., Lukowski-Duplessy, H., & Poulin-Charronnat, B. (2022). A comparison of the impact of digital games eliciting explicit and implicit learning processes in preschoolers. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 1-10.
- Vanwalleghem, S., Miljkovitch, R., Vinter, A. (2021). Attachment representation among school-age children with intellectual disability. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 118, DOI:10.1016/j.ridd.2.
- Vanwelleghem, S., Vinter, A. (2021). Un modèle développemental des capacités d’élaboration : la redescription des représentations.. L’élaboration mentale. Des perspectives pour appréhender les mécanismes sous-tendant la santé mentale. Elsevier, Masson.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A. (2021). The self-organizing consciousness: Implications for deep learning.. Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 87-94.
- Bonin, P., Poulin-Charronnat, B., Lukowski Duplessy, H., Bard, P., Vinter, A., Ferrand, L., & Méot, A. (2020). IMABASE: A new set of 313 colourised line drawings standardised in French for name agreement, image agreement, conceptual familiarity, age-of-acquisition, and imageability. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1862-1878.
- Vinter, A., Orlandi, O., Morgan, P. (2020). Identification of textured tactile pictures in visually impaired and blindfolded sighted children. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology.
- Gelin, M., Bugaiska, A., Méot, A., Vinter, A., & Bonin, P. (2019). Animacy effects in episodic memory: Do imagery processes really play a role?. Memory, 209-223.
- Vinter, A., Orlandi, O., Bonn, P., & Morgan, P. (2019). Forme versus texture de stimuli tactiles élémentaires: quelle dimension est privilégiée par l’enfant aveugle ou voyant?. ANAE, 159, 151-158.
- Vinter, A., Bonin, P., & Morgan, P. (2018). The severity of the visual impairment and practice matter for drawing in children. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 15-26.
- Witt, A., & Vinter, A. (2016). Perceptual and positional saliencies influence children’s sequence learning differently with age and instructions at test. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
- Puspitawati,I., Jebrane, A., Vinter, A. (2014). Local and global processing in blind and sighted children in a naming and drawing task. Child Development, 85, 1077-1090.
- Bueno, M.-A. , Crest, M. , Monteil, G. , Berthier, Y. , Lemaire-Semail, B., Massi, F. , Vinter, A., Aimonetti, J.-M. , Carpentier, L., Cornuault, P.-H. , Giraud, F., Camillieri, B. , Ribot-Ciscar, E., Witt, A. , Gentaz, E., & Mith, S. (2014). COSTaM: Tool design for a controlled tactile stimulation. AMSE Journals-AMSE IFRATH Publication _ Modelling C, 31-42.
- Crognier, L., Skoura, X., Vinter, A., Papaxanthis, C. (2013). Mental representation of arm motion dynamics in children and adolescents.. PlosOne, 8(8), e73042.
- Witt, A., Puspitawati, I., & Vinter, A. (2013). How explicit and implicit test instructions affect performance in an implicit learning task. PLOS ONE, e53296. doi:10.1371/.
- Witt, A., & Vinter, A. (2013). Children with intellectual disabilities may be impaired in encoding and recollecting incidental information. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 864-871.
- Vinter, A., Fernandes, V., Orlandi, O., Morgan, P. (2013). Verbal definitions of familiar objects in blind children reflect their peculiar perceptual experience. Child: Care, Health & Development, 856-863.
- Kebbe, H., Vinter, A. (2013). How age, culture and manual dominance affect directionality in drawing side view objects.. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 14(1), 160-172.
- Vinter, A., Fernandes, V., Orlandi, O., Morgan, P. (2012). Exploratory procedures of tactile images in visually impaired and blindfolded sighted children: How they relate to their consequent performance in drawing.. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 1819-1831.
- Witt, A., & Vinter, A. (2012). Artificial grammar learning in children: Abstraction of rules or sensitivity to perceptual features?. Psychological Research, 97-110.
- Vinter, A., van Gemmert, A.W., Philips, J. (2011). Special issue: Progress in Graphonomics: A perceptual motor skill perspective.. Human Movement Science, 683-686.
- Witt, A., & Vinter, A. (2011). Learning implicitly to produce avoided behaviours. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1173-1186.
- Vinter, A., Pacton, S., Witt, A., & Perruchet, P. (2010). Implicit learning, development and education.. Rethinking physical and rehabilitation medicine. Springer Verlag.
- Vinter, A., Chartrel, E. (2010). Effects of different types of learning on handwriting movements in young children. Learning and Instruction, 20, 476-486.
- Vinter, A., Puspitawati, I., & Witt, A. (2010). Children’s spatial analysis of hierarchical patterns: Construction and perception. Developmental Psychology, 1621-1631.
- Chartrel, E., Vinter, A. (2009). Imposer des contraintes de taille ou de vitesse sur l’écriture chez l’enfant: Des bénéfices ou non?. L’apprentissage de la langue écrite. (245-261). PUR.
- Skoura, X., Vinter, A., Papaxanthis, C. (2009). Mentally simulated motor actions in children. Developmental Neuropsychology, 34(3), 356-367.
- Fernandes, M., Vinter, A. (2009). Développement des représentations graphiques réalisées par des enfants à partir d’une exploration tactile ou visuelle de formes bidimensionnelles. L'Année Psychologique, 109(3), 407-429.
- Lange-Küttner, C., Vinter, A. (2008). Contemporary enquiries into a traditional domain of research: drawing.. Drawing and the Non-Verbal Mind. A Life-Span Perspective. (1-20). Cambridge University Press.
- Vinter, A., Picard, D., Fernandes, V., (2008). Graphic syntax and representational development.. Drawing and the Non-Verbal Mind. A Life-Span Perspective (139-158). Cambridge University Press.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A. (2008). La conscience auto-organisatrice. L'Année Psychologique, 108(1), 79-105.
- Vinter, A., Detable, C. (2008). Implicit and explicit motor learning in children with and without Down’s syndrome. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 26(4), 507-523.
- Vinter, A., Chartrel, E. (2008). Visual and proprioceptive recognition of cursive letters in young children. Acta Psychologica, 129(1), 147-156.
- Skoura, X., Personnier, P., Vinter, A., Pozzo, T., Papaxanthis, C. (2008). Decline in motor prediction in elderly subjects: Right versus left arm differences in mentally simulated motor actions. Cortex, 44(9), 1271-1278.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A. (2008). La conscience auto-organisatrice. L'Année Psychologique, 108(1), 79-105.
- Chartrel, E., Vinter, A. (2008). The impact of spatio-temporal constraints on cursive letter handwriting in children. Learning and Instruction, 18(6), 537-547.
- Vinter, A., Zesiger, P. (2007). L’écriture chez l’enfant : apprentissage, troubles et évaluation. Psychologie du Développement et de l’Education, IED (327-351). PUF.
- Vinter, A., Zeziger, P. (2007). L’écriture chez l’enfant : Apprentissage, troubles et évaluation.. Psychologie du Développement et de l’Education, IED. (327-351.). PUF.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A., Pacton, S. (2007). La conscience auto-organisatrice: Une alternative au modèle dominant de la psychologie cognitive. Education & Didactique, 1(3), 7-34.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A., Pacton, S. (2007). La conscience auto-organisatrice: Une alternative au modèle dominant de la psychologie cognitive. Education & Didactique, 1(3), 7-34.
- Vinter, A., Marot, V. (2007). The development of context sensitivity in children’s graphic copying strategies. Developmental Psychology, 43(1), 94-110.
- Picard, D., Vinter, A. (2007). Relationships between procedural rigidity and interrepresentational change in children’s drawing behavior. Child Development, 78(2), 522-541.
- Picard, D.|Vinter, A. (2006). Decomposing and connecting object representations in 5-to 9-year-old children’s drawing behaviour. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 24, 529-545.
- Detable, C., Vinter, A. (2006). Les capacités de transfert en situation d’apprentissage implicite chez des préadolescents présentant un retard mental. Psychologie Française, 51, 189-203.
- Chartrel, E., Vinter, A. (2006). Rôle des informations visuelles dans la production de lettres cursives chez l’enfant et l’adulte. L'Année Psychologique, 106(1), 43-63.
- Picard, D., Vinter, A. (2005). Activités de dessin et flexibilité représentationnelle. Enfance, 57(1), 24-33.
- Skoura, X., Papaxanthis, C., Vinter, A., Pozzo, T. (2005). Mentally represented motor actions in normal aging I. Age effects on the temporal features of overt and covert execution of actions. Behavioural Brain Research, 165(2), 229-239.
- Picard, D., Vinter, A. (2005). Development of graphic formulas for the depiction of familiar objects. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 29(5), 418-432.
- Chartrel, E., Vinter, A. (2004). L’écriture : Une activité longue et complexe à acquérir. Approche Neuropsychologique de l'Apprentissage chez l'Enfant, 78, 174-180.
- Robin, C., Toussaint, L., Blandin, Y., Vinter, A. (2004). Sensory integration in the learning of aiming toward “self-defined” targets. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 75(4), 381-387.
- Detable, C., Vinter, A. (2004). Le maintien dans le temps des effets d’un apprentissage implicite chez des enfants et adolescents avec retard mental. L'Année Psychologique, 104(4), 751-770.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A. (2003). Linking learning and consciousness: The Self-Organizing Consciousness (SOC) model. The unity of consciousness. Binding, integration, and dissociation (193-213). Oxford University Press.
- Vinter, A., Marot, V. (2003). Les activités de dessin chez l’enfant : un accès à l’étude de ses représentations mentales. Approche Neuropsychologique de l'Apprentissage chez l'Enfant, 72, 95-106.
- Detable, C., Vinter, A. (2003). Les activités graphiques d’enfants et d’adolescents présentant un retard mental : Etude du respect d’une règle synatxique. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, 53(3-4), 179-187.
- Marot, V., Vinter, A. (2003). Rôle de la complexité et de l’orientation d’une figure géomètrique sur l’application des règles de production graphique chez l’enfant et l’adulte. Archives de Psychologie, 70, 175-192.
- Vinter, A., Detable, C. (2003). Implicit learning in children and adolescents with mental retardation. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 108(2), 94-107.
- Gullaud-Toussaint, L., Vinter, A. (2003). The effect of discordant sensory information in graphic production: Two distinct subject groups. Psychological Research, 67(4), 291-302.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A. (2002). Linking learning and consciousness: the self-organizing consciousness (soc) model. The unity of consciousness: binding, integration and dissociation. Oxford University Press.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A. (2002). The self-organizing consciousness: a framework for implicit learning. Implicit learning. Psychology Press.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A. (2002). The Self-Organising Consciousness: A framework for implicit learning. Implicit learning and Consciousness. An empirical, philosophical and computational consensus in the making (41-67). Psychology Press.
- Vinter, A., Perruchet, P. (2002). Implicit motor learning through observational training in adults and children. Memory & Cognition, 30(2), 256-261.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A., Pacteau, C., Gallego, J. (2002). The formation of structurally relevant units in artificial grammar learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 55A(2), 485-503.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A. (2002). The self-organizing consciousness. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25(3), 297-388.
- Vinter, A., Perruchet, P. (2002). Implicit motor learning through observational training in adults and children. Memory & Cognition, 30(2), 256-261.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A., Pacteau, C., Gallego, J. (2002). The formation of structurally relevant units in artificial grammar learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 55A(2), 485-503.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A. (2002). The self-organizing consciousness. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25(3), 297-388.
- Vinter, A., Perruchet, P. (2000). Implicit learning in children is not related to age: Evidence from drawing behavior. Child Development, 71(5), 1223-1240.
- Vinter, A., Perruchet, P. (2000). Implicit learning in children is not related to age: evidence from drawing behavior. Child Development, 71(5), 1223-1240.
- Vinter, A., Perruchet, P. (1999). What about consciousness during learning?. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22(1), 173.
- Vinter, A., Perruchet, P. (1999). Isolating unconscious influences: The neutral parameter procedure. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 52A(4), 857-875.
- Vinter, A., Perruchet, P. (1999). What about consciousness during learning?. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22(1), 173.
- Vinter, A., Perruchet, P. (1999). Isolating unconscious influences: the neutral parameter procedure. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 52A(4), 857-875.
- Vinter, A. (1999). How meaning modifies drawing behavior in children. Child Development, 70(1), 33-49.
- Picard, D., Vinter, A. (1999). Representational flexibility in children’s drawings: effects of age and verbal instructions. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 17, 605-622.
- Desbiez, D., Vinter, A., Meulenbroek, R. G. J. (1999). Activations différenciées de processus centraux et périphériques dans une tâche de dessin : Analyse des pauses et des amplitudes du mouvement. L'Année Psychologique, 99(1), 9-43.
- Perruchet, P. , Vinter, A. (1998). Learning and development: the implicit knowledge assumption reconsidered. Handbook of implicit learning. Sage.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A. (1998). Learning and development. The implicit knowledge assumption reconsidered. Handbook of implicit learning (495-531). SAGE Publications.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A. (1998). Feature creation as a byproduct of attentional processing. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 21(1), 33-34.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A. (1998). PARSER: A model for word segmentation. Journal of Memory and Language, 39(2), 246-263.
- Gras, P., Aouston, J., Stapeley, P., Pozzo, T., Mourey, F., Vinter, A., Rouhier-Marcer, I., Didier, J.-P. (1998). Adaptation de la posture au cours d’une tâche de ramassage d’objets chez la personne âgée et des sujets parkinsoniens. Résultats préliminaires. Annales de Réadaptation et de Médecine Physique, 41, 271-274.
- Vinter, A., Gras, P. (1998). Spatial features of angular drawing movements in Parkinson’s disease patients. Acta Psychologica, 100(1-2), 177-193.
- Perruchet, P.|Vinter, A. (1998). Feature creation as a byproduct of attentional processing. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 21(1), 33-34.
- Meulenbroek, R. G. J., Vinter, A., Desbiez, D. (1998). Exploitation of elasticity in copying geometrical patterns: The role of age, movement amplitude, and limb-segment involvement. Acta Psychologica, 99(3), 329-345.
- Papaxanthis, C., Pozzo, T., Vinter, A., Grishin, A. (1998). The representation of gravitational force during drawing movements of the arm. Experimental Brain Research, 120(2), 233-242.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A. (1998). PARSER: A model for word segmentation. Journal of Memory and Language, 39(2), 246-263.
- Gullaud, L., Vinter, A. (1998). Rôle de la vision dans la direction de mouvements graphiques simples. L'Année Psychologique, 98(3), 401-428.
- Vinter, A., Perruchet, P. (1997). Relational problems are not fully solved by a temporal sequence of statistical learning episodes. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 20(1), 82.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A., Gallego, J. (1997). Implicit learning shapes new conscious percepts and representations. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 4(1), 43-48.
- Vinter, A., Perruchet, P. (1997). Relational problems are not fully solved by a temporal sequence of statistical learning episodes. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 20(1), 82.
- Perruchet, P., Vinter, A., Gallego, J. (1997). Implicit learning shapes new conscious percepts and representations. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 4(1), 43-48.
- Minary, F., Vinter, A. (1996). The drawing of complex geometrical figures in children: how graphic strategies may be related to chronological age.
- Vinter, A. , Picard, D. (1996). Drawing behavior in children reflects internal representational changes.
- Desbiez, D., Vinter, A., Meulenbroek, R.J.D. (1996). The influence of task features on biomechanical exploitation in drawing.
- Vinter, A. , Desbiez, D., Pozzo, Th., Gras, P. (1996). The drawing of angular figures in Parkinson’s Disease patients: preliminary reports.
- Gullaud, L., Vinter, A. (1996). The role of visual and proprioceptive information in mirror-drawing behavior.
- Gras, P., Vinter, A., Lucas, B., Rouhier-Marcer, I., Didier, J.-P. (1996). Protocole standardisé d’évaluation des troubles gestuels. Annales de Réadaptation et de Médecine Physique, 39, 410-411.
- Desbiez, D., Vinter, A., Meulenbroek, R. G. J. (1996). Biomechanical and perceptual determinants of drawing angles. Acta Psychologica, 94(3), 253-271.
- Vinter, A. (1994). Hierarchy between graphic production rules in the drawing of elementary figures. Advances in Handwriting and Drawing: a multidisciplinary approach. Europia.
- Faure, C., Keuss, P. , Lorette, G., Vinter, A. (1994). Advances in Handwriting and Drawing: a multidisciplinary approach. Europia.
- Vinter, A., Perruchet, P. (1994). Is there an implict level of representation?. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 17(4), 730-731.
- Vinter, A., Perruchet, P. (1994). Is there an implict level of representation?. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 17(4), 730-731.
- Vinter, A. (1993). La capacité d’imitation précoce chez le nourrisson. Les comportements du bébé: expression de son savoir ?. Editions Mardaga.
- Vinter, A. , Cipriani, P. , Bruni, G. (1993). Lo sviluppo sensomotorio del lattante. Nuova Italia Scientifica.
- Vinter, A., Meulenbroek, R. G. J. (1993). The role of manual dominance and visual feedback in circular drawing movements. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 25, 11-37.
- Meulenbroek, R. G. J.|Vinter, A.|Mounoud, P. (1993). Development of the start-rotation principle in circle production. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 11, 307-320.
- Cioni, G., Paolicelli, P. B., Sordi, C., Vinter, A. (1993). Sensorimotor development in cerebral-palsied infants assessed with the Uzgiris-Hunt scales. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 35(12), 1055-1066.
- Vinter, A., Mounoud, P. (1991). Isochrony and accuracy of drawing movements in children: effects of age and context. Development of graphic skills. Academic Press.
- Vinter, A. (1990). Sensory and perceptual control of action in early human development. Relationships between Perception and Action: Current approaches (305-324). Springler-Verlag.
- Vinter, A. (1990). Manual imitations and reaching behaviors: an illustration of action control in infancy. Development of eye-hand coordination across the lifespan (157-187). University of South Carolina Press.
- Vinter, A. (1988). Perception of facial movements in early infancy: Some reflections in relation to speech perception. Visible Language, 22(1), 79-111.
- Vinter, A. (1987). Les fonctions de représentation et de communication dans les conduites sensorimotrices. La psychologie (417-462). Gallimard, Encyclopédie La Pléiade.
- Vinter, A. (1986). A developmental perspective on behavior determinants. Sensorimotor interactions in space perception and action. Springler-Verlag.
- Vinter, A. (1986). The role of movement in eliciting early imitations. Child Development, 57, 66-71.
- Vinter, A. (1986). A developmental perspective on behavioral determinants. Acta Psychologica, 63(1-3), 337-349.
- Mounoud, P., Vinter, A. (1985). The evolution of self-image between 3 and 11 years as illustration of a theoretical model of child development. The future of piagetian theory : the neo-piagetians. Plenum Press.
- Mounoud, P., Vinter, A., Hauert, C-A. (1985). Activités manuelles et développement cognitif. Etudier l'enfant de 0 à 3 ans. Editions du CNRS, Collection Comportements.
- Vinter, A. (1985). L’imitation chez le nouveau-né. Delachaux et Niestlé.
- Mounoud, P., Vinter, A. (1985). La notion de représentation en psychologie génétique. Psychologie Française, 30, 253-259.
- Vinter, A., Lanarès, J., Mounoud, P. (1985). Development of face perception. Semiotic Inquiry, 5, 240-258.
- Vinter, A. (1985). La capacité d’imitation à la naissance: Elle existe, mais que signifie-t-elle?. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 39(1), 16-33.
- Vinter, A., Mounoud, P. (1984). Etude des formes d’identité de soi chez l’enfant et l’adolescent. La Psychomotricité, 8, 53-61.
- Vinter, A., Denobili, G. L., Pellegrinetti, G., Cioni, G. (1984). Auditory-visual coordination: Does it imply an external world for the newborn?. Current Psychology of Cognition, 4(4), 309-322.
- Vinter, A., De Nobili, G. L., Cioni, G., Pellegrinetti, G. (1983). La coordinazione visuo-uditiva alla nascita: Una “competenza” senza consapevolezza. Archivio Sicliano di Medicina e Chirurgia, XXIV, 593-600.
- Vinter, A. (1983). Il processo di apprendimento nel bambino: il suo sviluppo “spontaneo” e le implicazioni dal punto di vista psicopedagogico. Quaderni di Aggiornamento Psicopedagogico, Supplement, 5-24.
- Vinter, A., Cioni, G. (1983). Competenze senso-motorie nel neonato. Giornale di Neuropsichiatria dell'Età Evolutivo, 1, 9-26.
- Vinter, A., Mounoud, P., Husain, O. (1983). Image de soi et déficience mentale – Perspective théorique et expérimentale. Revue de Psychologie Appliquée, 33(1), 33-61.
- Vinter, A., Mounoud, P., Husain, O. (1983). Accuracy and stability of self-image of mentally-retarded adults. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 87(6), 583-590.
- Mounoud, P., Vinter, A. (1981). Representation and sensorimotor development. Infancy and Epistemology. The Harvester Press.
- Mounoud, P., Vinter, A. (1981). La reconnaissance de son image chez l’enfant et l’animal. Delachaux et Niestlé.